User Testing Report

Batteries of any weight are easily ignorable when placed on the back of the wrist and or hand.


Problem 1: 

Brand new factory produced gloves required significant bending stress applied for an extended period of time to the knuckle before any electronics are put inside.


Machine is designed to fold and squash gloves / Buy capacitive bend sensors -> Research into price.


Problem 2:

The cheap motor vibrators take a split second amount of time to reach maximum output.


Invest in more responsive but lower frequency motor vibrators / Introduce capacitance to the circuitry that builds up extra voltage.


Problem 3:

Wires are uncomfortable when they stick into the glove.


Use ribbon cable and 3D print a container that fits the back of the hand comfortably.


Problem 4:

The motor vibrator wires are very fragile and tend to break and fray easily, which would not be ideal for something that is used in a glove


Solder and mount the vibrator to a small circuitboard and hotglue the wires down to prevent any movement. 3D print an ergonomic case to house the vibrator in.

DESIGN CHANGE: An option to replace one of the accelerometers with 3 bend sensors could cut costs and allow us to do extra gesture detection.

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